
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mother's Day Out

Today was Scotty's first day of MDO at St. Peter's! I took the morning off from work so that I could drop him off on his first day. You know when you are so excited about something, you just can't sleep? Maybe that is why my little Scotty woke up at 5AM?  Here I am laying in bed this morning thinking...great! Why is he awake?! He is going to be so bad at school because he will be so tired! Is he sick? Is he cold? Hungry? Who knows why he woke up so early, but I was thankful that I was able to put him back down around 8ish for a 45 minute nap. This nap, I am positive, is the only reason the first day went so smoothly.

When we arrived at school around 9:10 he was a little reluctant to get out of the car, and he asked to be held, so of course I did. Here I am carrying in my toddler, school supplies, nap mat, bag, and let's not forget a full term baby. Whew, we finally made it to the door to his classroom. As I signed him in, I took a deep breath (I could hear all the other children crying), we went in slowly, and I put Scotty down. As I started to tuck all of Scotty's school stuff away in the little bins labeled  with a fish "Scotty" my brave little boy left my side to go explore.  Wow! I could not believe it. He didn't need me at all!  So, I talked to the teacher, walked over and gave my brave little boy a kiss and hug and told him I would see him later....and there were still no tears.  Once Momma got out the door, I did have some tears. I would have had more, but since I was on the way to work, and didn't have waterproof mascara on, I thought I should keep it to a minimum! My parents picked him up, and apparently he had a great day. He played and even napped for an hour on his nap mat. I hope he continues to love his days at MDO!

First Day of MDO. Isn't this just too cute?
Posing perfectly for Momma with "Brownie"
Scotty's First Report Card. Looks like he was Happy, Chatty, and Busy!!
All the mom's got this in Scotty's Class.
(Came with a bag of tea, tissue, cotton ball, and Hershey's Kiss)

The Zuehlke's

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